Animation Action Thriller Sci-Fi
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Directed by
Toshiki Hirano
Rei Sakuma
Si Aen (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa
Saiga (voice)
Show Hayami
Ritsu (voice)
Masako Katsuki
Rockfell (voice)
Hideyuki Tanaka
Isao Oki (voice)
Mayumi Shou
Yuratei (voice)
Yuko Sasaki
Si Tau (voice)
Tessyo Genda
Gisou (voice)
Toshihiko Seki
Masato Akitsu (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Taiha (voice)
Chieko Honda
Miku Himuro (voice)
Mahito Tsujimura
Lurahn (voice)
Issei Masamune
Masato's Father (voice)
Yukio Yamagata

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