Crime Drama
Jess Tyler lives a quiet life next to an abandoned mining factory by himself in the desert. His life is turned upside down when a sexually provocative young woman comes to visit him and tells him she's his daughter. Jess finds it hard to adapt to his newfound parenting role, as a mutual attraction grows between them.
Directed by
Matt Cimber
James Franciscus
Moke Blue
Stuart Whitman
Rev. Rivers
Stacy Keach
Jess Tyler
Peter Jason
Edward Albert
Wash Gillespie
June Lockhart
Mrs. Gillespie
Pia Zadora
Kady Tyler
Ed McMahon
Mr. Gillespie
Lois Nettleton
Belle Morgan
John F. Goff
Truck Driver
George Buck Flower
Ed Lamey
Leigh Christian
Paul Hampton
Ann Dane
John O'Conner White
Billy Roy
Kim Ptak
Abraham Rudnick
Court Stenographer
Dylan Urquidi

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