Crime Drama Thriller
Lew is a small time loser with a troubled past and a very big secret. Overhearing a couple plan a kidnapping, Lew is tempted to come up with a scheme of his own. He decides to get to the victim first and then blackmail the real criminals. His plan soon spins out of control.
Directed by
Scott Ziehl
Gina Gershon
Florence DeCroix Hagen
Desmond Harrington
Ralph Hagen
Dominic Purcell
Lewis 'Lew' Brookbank
Ali Larter
Isobel Delano
Dan Martin
Dwight Yoakam
Herbert Claremont / Clarkson
Joy Bryant
Rita Caswell
Roxana Zal
Janice Brookbank
Shea Farrell
Seth Nagel
Christian Mills
Bruce Hildred
Jason Sutliff

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