Mystery Drama Thriller
Steve is a man who has it all, a successful career, wonderful children, beautiful home and a loving wife. However, returning to his home after work on his birthday, he finds his house deserted and darkened with almost all the lightbulbs missing, all easy access outside cut off and a videotape waiting for him. Playing that tape, he watches a bizarre and grueling recording in which his wife explains her grievance with him, her reasons for disappearing with the children and her revenge for how he treated her in a way he would never forget.
Directed by
Rolf de Heer
Written by
Rolf de Heer
Helen Buday
Gary Sweet
Bogdan Koca
Samantha Knigge
Nathan O'Keefe
Man at Door
Eileen Darley
Jack Christie
Geoff Revell
Philip Spruce
Taxi Driver
Peter Green
Martha Lott
Female Worker
Cindy Elliott
Female Worker
Gemma Falk
Female Worker
Nicole Daniel
Female Worker
Michael Ienna
Male Worker (uncredited)

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