Music Comedy
In this musical comedy, a pregnant disc jockey misses her husband who is fighting overseas. Stressed out by the situation and her job, she decides to take some time off and convinces her twin sister to trade places with her. The switcheroo causes the soldier her husband appointed as her unofficial guardian no end of confusion.
Directed by
Harold Young
Don Wilson
Brad Saunders
Frances Langford
Patricia Loring / Evelyn Loring Waters
Ken Murray
Jerry Traynor
Elvia Allman
Tom Dugan
Iris Adrian
Dena Maxwellton
Hanley Stafford
J. Horace Maxwellton
Thurston Hall
Oscar Simms- Wheezies Sponsor
Lewis Howard
Bill Waters
Susan Miller
Clementine - Singer
Blanche Stewart
Irving Lee
Senor Lee - Dialect Performer (as Senor Lee)
Kitty O'Neil
Mrs. Simms
Lew Valentine
Dr. Browning
Peter Sullivan
Elevator Boy

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