Romance Comedy Drama
IT'S NOT A DATE tells the story of Carly and Milo, a couple in their twenties on their first date. Although "It's not a date" but more of a casual meet at a local club; it begins as a classic girl meets boy saga with casual conversation that escalates to a night of passion. It evolves, NOT into a romantic partnership or a parting nod, to "bad chemistry" but instead with Carly. Frustrated with a life full of bad dates and believing that Milo is the worse of them she takes Milo on a detour into insanity so extreme he wishes "It's not a date."
Directed by
Barry Pollack, Mischa Pollack
Written by
Barry Pollack
Nina Hartley
Aunt Cindy
Eric Roberts
Bill Sagat
Eliza Roberts
Laurie Sagat
Cortney Palm
Elaine Partnow
Leah Huebner
Carly Sagat
Micah Brandt
Mari Cielo Pajares
Heather Sims
Raymond Morris
Alison Korman
Sheila Hart
Mai Linh
Dream Girl #1

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