Drama Romance Music
Rahul and Anu Verghese meet on the same day, while both are held by the police on charges of creating a disturbance, and running away respectively. They meet again, and love happens. Rahul helps Anu to be independent, and seek a job. Then Anu is discovered by a talent agent to be a model, which she accepts. Rahul wants to marry Anu, but first must establish himself.
Directed by
Mahesh Bhatt
Reema Lagoo
Mrs. Vikram Roy
Akash Khurana
Deepak Tijori
Avtar Gill
Police Inspector Deshpande
Anang Desai
Mr. Paul
Rahul Roy
Tom Alter
Arnie Campbell
Javed Khan
Uncle Peter
Mushtaq Khan
Rafoo Master
Anu Aggarwal
Anu Verghese

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