Horror Drama TV Movie
In this version of Oscar Wilde's tale, Dorian Gray is an actress who, desperate to become a worldwide star, makes a deal that switches her soul to her image on film, then proceeds to sleep and connive her way to the top, knowing that her screen test, and not she, will show the ravishes of time and of her immoral transgressions.
Directed by
Tony Maylam
Written by
Peter Lawrence, Jerome Coopersmith
Michael Ironside
Alan Campbell
Anthony Perkins
Henry Lord
Olga Karlatos
Sofia Lord
Joseph Bottoms
Stuart Vane
Hrant Alianak
Nightclub Manager
Peter Hanlon
Belinda Bauer
Dorian Gray
Caroline Yeager
Angela Vane
Trudy Weiss
TV Studio Person
Patsy Rahn
Roxanne Moffitt
Jeff Braunstein
Roy Wordsworth
Carol Robinson
Mark Dufty
Elevator Man
Bob Collins
TV Studio Person
Richard Comar
TV Studio Person
James Kione
TV Studio Person
Jai Lone
TV Studio Person
Danny Love
Party Drag Queen
Rusty Ryan
Party Drag Queen

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