Comedy Fantasy
Boisterous nightclub entertainer Buzzy Bellew was the witness to a murder committed by gangster Ten Grand Jackson. One night, two of Jackson's thugs kill Buzzy and dump his body in the lake at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Buzzy comes back as a ghost and summons his bookworm twin, Edwin Dingle, to Prospect Park so that he can help the police nail Jackson.
Directed by
H. Bruce Humberstone
Danny Kaye
Edwin Dingle / Buzzy Bellew
Steve Cochran
Ten Grand Jackson
Natalie Schafer
Mrs. Hume
Virginia Mayo
Ellen Shanley
Huntz Hall
Byron Foulger
Deli Customer (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Pelican Club Extra / Opera Patron (uncredited)
Otto Kruger
District Attorney
Edward Brophy
Midge Mallon
Edward Gargan
Policeman in Park
Richard Lane
Assistant District Attorney
Franklyn Farnum
Pelican Club Patron (uncredited)
Donald Woods
Monte Rossen
Allen Jenkins
Virginia Gilmore
Sailor's Girl Friend
S.Z. Sakall
Alice Mock
Prima Donna
Gisela Werbisek
Mrs. Schmidt
Sam Harris
Pelican Club Paron (uncredited)
Gloria Delson
Goldwyn Girl (uncredited)

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