Drama Music Family
Holly has everything it takes to be a star; the voice, the dream and the dedication, but she lacks the means to break away from her humble Texas upbringing. Then she gets the chance to attend an art and music school on the East coast and her future suddenly looks bright. But the road to stardom is a bumpy one.
Directed by
Bobby Roth
Written by
Amy Talkington
Virginia Madsen
Wanda Lovell
Lindsey Haun
Holly Lovell
Aaron Ashmore
Britney Spears
John Ralston
Jason Sloan
Barbara Mamabolo
Joanne Boland
Zoe Moscatel
Lynne Spears
John Calvert
Nick Roth
Mike Lobel
Ditz's Date
Jackie Rosenbaum
Ditz / Portia

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