Drama Romance
While waiting at Attari Railway Station circa 1968, Rajveer Singh and his wife, Amrit Kaur, recall the turbulent years of partition, how they fled from their hometown in Lahore, and of being separated from their only son, Ehsaan. They arrive near Amritsar and take over the vacant house of Pervez Shahbudin - with it's lone occupant, a male child, left behind by his parents. Amrit gets to adopt him after Rajveer is unable to locate his parents, and they call him Ehsaan - who soon grows up to excel in studies and sports. On a trip to Kashmir, he meets with and falls in love with Chandni rather dramatically, and is overjoyed to learn that she also is from Amritsar.
Directed by
Raj Kanwar
Written by
Abhay Kanwar
Amrit Kaur
Hema Malini
Benezer Pervez Shahbudin
Javed Sheikh
Pervez Shahbudin
Rakhee Tandon
Balbeer Kaur (as Rakhi Tandon)
Avtar Gill
Kartar Singh
Navni Parihar
Nafisa Imran Noor Muhammad
Veena Barua
Rajveer's Mother
Luv Sinha

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