Family Adventure Animation Fantasy Action Sci-Fi
In the legendary past, before Poké Balls were invented, an aura-guiding hero Pokémon named Lucario sensed two groups of armies about to clash, and a threat of a massive war in front of Oldoran Castle in Kanto that would leave no survivors. He transferred this message to his master, the legendary hero Arlon, while he was being attacked by a violent group of Hellgar. During the battle, his sense of sight was lost and he was rendered unable to see. He used the detection of his Aura, and so with the offensive Wave Bomb, he eliminated them. Though by the threat, the queen of Rota, Lady Rin was resolute to die with her civilians, and so Arlon made a choice.
Directed by
Kunihiko Yuyama
Rica Matsumoto
Satoshi (voice)
Megumi Hayashibara
Musashi (voice)
Katsuyuki Konishi
Heigani (voice)
Chinami Nishimura
Wakasyamo (voice)
Satomi Korogi
Mew (voice)
Ikue Otani
Pikachu (voice)
Unsho Ishizuka
Narrator (voice)
Noriko Hidaka
Mother (voice)
Koichi Yamadera
Arlon (voice)
Jun Fukushima
Manyula (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Lucario (voice)
Yuji Ueda
Takeshi / Sonans (voice)
Shin-ichiro Miki
Kojiro (voice)
Akihiro Nishino
Freddy (voice)
Kunihiro Kawamoto
Regice (voice)
Inuko Inuyama
Nyarth (voice)
Takeshi Aono
Banks (voice)
Chie Sato
Gonbe (voice)
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Manyula (voice)
Miyako Ito
Manene (voice)
Momoko Kikuchi
Rin / Eileen (voice)
Eiji Miyashita
Regirock (voice)
Tomoe Hanba
Zenigame (voice)
Haruka (voice)
Kid Summers (voice)
Kumiko Okae
Jenny (voice)
Kouichi Sakaguchi
Hellgar (voice)
Fushigi Yamada
Masato (voice)
Atsushi Kakehashi
Registeel (voice)
Yumi Yoshimura
Natsuki Yoshihara
Chirean (voice)
Yuta Kajiwara
Usohachi (voice)
Akihiro Tamagawa
Takako Uemura

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