Adventure Action Thriller Crime
A body is discovered impaled on a stake near a scenic lake near Bogota. A journalist try to find what happened. With a friend, they set about to find the cause of the crime and uncover an intricate real estate fraud involving corrupt politicians, emerald hunters, nudists...
Directed by
Sergio Cabrera
Written by
Jorge Goldenberg
Fernando Solórzano
Martina García
Maria Gomez Castañol 'Quica'
Carlos Benjumea
Coronel Moya
Daniel Giménez Cacho
Víctor Silanpa
Marcela Gallego
Humberto Dorado
Heliodoro Tiflis
César Mora
Víctor Mallarino
Marco Tulio Esquilache
Gustavo Angarita
Jairo Camargo
Engineer Vargas Vicuña
Mimí Lazo
Susan Caviedes
María Eugenia Arboleda
Luis Fernando Múnera
Gustavo Calle Isaza- Cab driver
Sain Castro
Emilio Barragán

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