Drama Romance
1980s Derry: Goretti Friel, one of a spirited group of teenage friends, meets Ciarán at her Irish language class, and romance blossoms. When he is arrested and imprisoned by the British army, Goretti is dismayed to find herself pregnant. Left to deal with the crisis alone, she is tormented by the conflicts of her growing belly and the influence of a Catholic upbringing.
Directed by
Margo Harkin
Written by
Stephanie English, Margo Harkin
Marie Jones
Mrs McGuigan
Emer McCourt
Goretti Friel
Alan Howley
Michael Liebman
Sinéad O'Connor
Cathy Casey
Julie Rodgers
Rosina Brown
Mrs Friel
Seamus Ball
Mr Friel
Julie McDonald
David Coyle
Father Devine
Brenda Winter
Seán Doherty
Irish Speaking Soldier
Brendan Mac Gabhann
Irish Teacher
Irene Bates
Bean an tí/Woman of the House
Maureen Dow
Sister Concilia
Declan McLaughlin
Patrick McGuigan
Sean Carlin
Gareth McGuigan
John Coyle
Davey McGuigan
Bernie Downes
Radio Voiceover (voice)

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