Crime Drama
Chicago cop Johnny Kelly, dissatisfied with his job and marriage, would like to run away with his stripper girlfriend Angel Face, but keeps getting cold feet. During one crowded night, Angel Face decides she's had enough vacillation, and crooked lawyer Biddel has an illegal mission for Johnny that could put him in a financial position to act. But other, conflicting schemes are also in progress...
Directed by
John H. Auer
Paula Raymond
Kathy Kelly
Edward Arnold
Penrod Biddel
Gig Young
Johnny Kelly
Marie Windsor
Lydia Biddel
Tom Poston
Detective (as Thomas Poston)
Chill Wills
Sgt. Joe, the 'Voice of Chicago'
William Talman
Hayes Stewart
Mala Powers
Sally 'Angel Face' Connors
Roy Barcroft
Walter Woolf King
Wally Cassell
Gregg Warren
Tom Steele
Helen Gibson
Clark Howat
Tom Irish
James Andelin
Lt. Parker
Ron Hagerthy
Stubby Kelly
Emmett Vogan
Dale Van Sickel
Otto Hulett
Sgt. John 'Pop' Kelly Sr.
Bunny Kacher
Agnes DuBois
Philip L. Boddy
Maitre d'Hotel
Thomas Jones
Fancy Dan
Leonard Diebold
Cab Driver
Gil Herman
Kurt Kupfer

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