Comedy Horror
A nightclub singer and his partner escape mobsters by fleeing to Cuba with a beautiful heiress, who has inherited a haunted castle on an isolated island. The trio hunt for a hidden treasure and encounter a ghost, a zombie, and a mysterious killer...
Directed by
George Marshall
Jerry Lewis
Myron Mertz
Henry Brandon
Dean Martin
Larry Todd
Bing Crosby
Skeleton (uncredited)
Earl Holliman
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Bess Flowers
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Dorothy Malone
Leonard Strong
Bob Hope
Skeleton (uncredited)
George Dolenz
Mr. Cortega
Jane Novak
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Gertrude Astor
Man with Spaghetti's Wife (uncredited)
Hugh Sanders
Cop on Pier
Percy Helton
Man in Hotel Hallway (uncredited)
Chester Clute
Man with Spaghetti on Head (uncredited)
Lizabeth Scott
Mary Carroll
Fred Aldrich
Dockworker (uncredited)
Harold Miller
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
William Ching
Tony Warren
Jack Lambert
Kenner G. Kemp
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Carmen Miranda
Carmelita Castinha
Paul Marion
Ramon Cariso / Francisco Cariso
Tony Barr
Joe Gray
Longshoreman (uncredited)

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