Drama Thriller
A robbery goes wrong and the bank's teller, Josie is abducted by lone gunman Angelito Asuncion. A few weeks pass and Josie escapes to tell a tale of terror and mayhem. She asserts to have faked falling for him in order to win his trust while Angelito surfaces to claim otherwise. Josie is not really a victim but has been his lover for some time. In fact, they planned the whole thing so they could start a new life together. Who is telling the truth?
Directed by
Chito S. Roño
Jaclyn Jose
Mark Gil
Angel Asuncion
Susan Africa
Josie's Officemate
Anjo Yllana
Anita Linda
Lucita Soriano
Josie's Mother
Archie Adamos
Bodjie Pascua
Bank Manager
Tita Muñoz
Sammy's Mother
Mia Gutierrez
Mrs. Asuncion
Fernando Morato
Cris Vertido
Police Investigator
Resty Vergara
Daily News Reporter
Gammy Viray
Aljon Jimenez
Pool Player

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