Comedy Drama Sci-Fi
Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.
Directed by
Karen Oganesyan
Written by
Alyona Zvantsova, Dmitriy Konstantinov
Elena Yakovleva
Natalya Tyrsa
Alena Bondarchuk
Nelly Uvarova
Evgeniya Tyrsa
Galina Polskikh
Svetlana Yurievna
Darya Belousova
Vladimir Yepifantsev
Irina Grineva
Konstantin Vorobyov
Georgi Martirosyan
Yuriy Zatonskiy
Ekaterina Malikova
Konstantin Solovyov
Andrey Sviridov
Semyon Furman
Viktor Tyrsa (voice)
Lyudmila Gavrilova
head of the kindergarten
Igor Samoylov
guy in the club
Yekaterina Volkova
Yevgeni Zharikov
Oleg Saprunov
Elena Medvedeva
nurse Marina
Leva Bi-2
Andrey Sokolov
Gleb Shahov
Andrey Krasko
Victor Tyrsa
Aleksandr Uman
Natalya Gudkova
Instructor's wife
Varvara Revnyuk
Natalya Stukalina
Viktoriya Zakharova
Aleksandr Pashkovskiy
Irina Konkina
Olga Kochneva
Danila Arikov
Ivan Dobrynin

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