Action Adventure Horror Mystery Thriller
Mythology and religious dogma are slowly revealed when an attractive young woman is approached by a modeling agency that pulls her into an underworld of priests that are not Christian but rather want to resurrect Satan by collecting the souls of 18 beautiful children.
Directed by
Bill Bindley
Stanley Tucci
Todd Stanton
Wendy Crewson
Norah Stanton
Rachael Leigh Cook
Lucy Stanton
Christopher McDonald
Hugh Stanton
Venantino Venantini
Maximilian Schell
Father Simeon
Cosimo Fusco
Marino Masé
Local Doctor
Linda Cerabolini
Milla Pagano
Francesca De Sapio
Ennio Coltorti
Dr. Rimieri
Ted Rusoff
Urbano Barberini
Federico Pacifici
Dark Eyed Cleric
Fabrizio Vitale
Customs Agent
Enrica Maria Modugno
Maria Elena
Stefano Viali

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