Comedy Romance
Bruce, the owner of an aerospace company, is infatuated with Jennifer and hires her to be his biographer so that he can be near her and win her affections. Is she actually a Russian spy trying to obtain aerospace secrets?
Directed by
Frank Tashlin
Written by
Everett Freeman
Paul Lynde
Homer Cripps
Robert Vaughn
Napoleon Solo (uncredited)
George Carlin
Unknown (uncredited)
Edward Andrews
Gen. Wallace Bleecker
Rod Taylor
Bruce Templeton
George Tobias
Norman Fenimore
Dom DeLuise
Julius Pritter
Dick Martin
Zack Molloy
Doris Day
Jennifer Nelson
John McGiver
Ralph Goodwin
Louie Elias
Ellen Corby
Anna Miller
George Cisar
Fat Man (uncredited)
Eric Fleming
Edgar Hill
Elisabeth Fraser
Nina Bailey
Alice Pearce
Mabel Fenimore
Arthur Godfrey
Axel Nordstrom
Christopher Riordan
Party Guest / Computer Plant Worker (uncredited)
Florence Halop
Lady on Telephone (uncredited)
Theo Marcuse
Frank Parker
Engineer (uncredited)
John Dennis
Policeman (uncredited)
Regina Carrol
Dee J. Thompson
Joe Ploski
Carolyn Williamson
Party girl
Rachel Romen
Reporter (uncredited)

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