Drama Romance
Gigolo and drifter Chance Wayne returns to his home town as the companion of a faded movie star, Alexandra Del Lago, whom he hopes to use to help him break into the movies. Chance runs into trouble when he finds his ex-girlfriend, the daughter of the local politician Tom "Boss" Finley, who more or less forced him to leave his daughter and the town many years ago.
Directed by
Richard Brooks
Written by
Tennessee Williams
Paul Newman
Chance Wayne
Rip Torn
Thomas 'Tom' J. Finley, Jr.
Dub Taylor
Dan Hatcher
Shirley Knight
Heavenly Finley
Philip Abbott
Dr. George Scudder
Cosmo Sardo
Bar Patron
Geraldine Page
Alexandra Del Lago
Bess Flowers
Spectator at political rally
Mildred Dunnock
Aunt Nonnie
Ed Begley
Tom 'Boss' Finley
Mike Steen
Madeleine Sherwood
Miss Lucy
Barry Atwater
Ben Jackson
Jeffrey Sayre
Man at Political Rally
Bert Stevens
Film Crew Member
Charles Arnt
Mayor Henricks
Kelly Thordsen
Sheriff Clark
Herschel Graham
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Roy Glenn
James Douglas
Barry Cahill
Dorothy Konrad
Mrs. Maribelle Norris
James Chandler
Professor Brutus Haven Smith
Rudy Germane
Man at Political Rally (uncredited)

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