Action Adventure Fantasy Animation Horror
Hokkaido, 1991, a series of murders take place and dragons suddenly begin appearing in the skies. The Japanese SDF begins shooting the dragons out of the sky, holding them responsible for the murders. A troubled young girl is suddenly entrusted with the care of a hatchling dragon, hoping to raise him for destruction. Everyone will soon learn who the true culprits are and why the dragons have appeared.
Directed by
Kiyoshi Fukumoto
Tessyo Genda
Sergeant Sagara (voice)
Toshihiko Seki
Carmine (voice)
Yoshino Takamori
Riko (voice)
Chieko Honda
Rulishia (voice)
Kiyonobu Suzuki
Gelda (voice)
Toshiyuki Shiina
Sagara's Assistant(God Chapter)

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