Drama Fantasy Horror TV Movie
A crippled dwarf is forced to become jester to a tyrannical king, but when the king abuses a beautiful dwarf with whom the jester is in love the jester plots a terrible revenge.
Directed by
Julie Taymor
Reg E. Cathey
Minister Gunther
Harriet Sansom Harris
Lady Clarice
Pippa Pearthree
Lady Louisa
Patrick O'Connell
Minister Bacci
Betsy Aidem
Lady Angela
Patrick Breen
Minister Vasquez
Michael J. Anderson
Cynthia Darlow
Lady Celestina
Robert Dorfman
The Duke
Paul Kandel
Minister Torello
Mireille Mossé
Tom Hewitt
The King
Thomas Derrah
Minister Horatio
Kelly Walters
Minister Cicero
Glen Santiago
Minister Francis
Joan MacIntosh
The Duchess
David Parsons

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