Horror Thriller Drama
Keyes, a successful photographer who lives at the border of Skid Row, notices a homeless man with a strange old mirror. Immediately struck by it for reasons he cannot explain, he convinces the man to sell it to him, soon behaving in increasingly erratic and unhinged ways.
Directed by
John Murlowski
Written by
Antonio Toro, Christopher DeFaria
Terry O'Quinn
Detective Clark
Tom Wright
Morgue Attendant
Ross Partridge
Keyes Terry
Robert Rusler
Julia Nickson
Lin Shaye
Nurse Turner
Richard Roundtree
David Naughton
Dick Cutler
Barbara Howard
Janet Cutler
Lala Sloatman
Jack Orend
Franklin Bronner
Bob Jennings
Rookie Cop
Ralph Ahn
Mr. Kim
Robert Harvey
Jon Paul Steuer
Young Keyes
Karl Johnson
Cafe Owner
Claudia Gold
Keyes' Mother
Joseph Schuster
Young Man

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