Comedy Crime Romance
The plot is about a trial against three men who tried to earn loads of money by illegal methods to get to Canada and about the lawyers and the judge who get on with the trial and who are being unfaithful to their couples.
Directed by
Claude Lelouch
Written by
Claude Lelouch
Francis Huster
Francis Barrucq
Gérard Darmon
Henri Poncet
Alessandra Martines
Allessandra Barrucq
Fabrice Luchini
Fabrice Lenormand
Vincent Lindon
Jacques Gamblin
Jacques Grandin
Antoine Duléry
Antoine, patron du restaurant
Évelyne Bouix
Marilyne Grandin
Jacques Spiesser
Zuckmeyer, le directeur de l'hôtel
Jacques Boudet
Jacques Bonnot
Chauffeur du camion
Charles Gérard
Christian Charmetant
Rémy Carpentier
Cristiana Réali
Albert Dray
Adjoint de Maigreton
Marie-Sophie L.
Marie Lenormand
Salomé Lelouch
Nathalie Cerda
Céline Caussimon
Maria Ducceschi
Fille du bal
Agnès Pelletier
Fille du bal
Mimi Young
Fille du bal
Gunilla Karlzen
Christine Lelouch
Cliente taxi endormie
Martine Lelouch
Vendeuse de blouson
Connie Marandat
Fiancée de Poncet
Maryse Deol

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