Comedy Romance Action
Two ex-soldiers return from overseas--one of them having smuggled into the country a French orphan girl he has become attached to. They wind up running into their old sergeant--who hates them--and getting involved with a race-car builder who's trying to find backers for a new midget racer he's building.
Directed by
Charles Barton
Milburn Stone
Brooks Benedict
Street Onlooker (uncredited)
Lou Costello
Herbie Brown
Chuck Hamilton
New York Cop (uncredited)
Billy Curtis
Ernie Adams
Tie Demo Bystander (uncredited)
Eddie Acuff
Soldier (uncredited)
Nat Pendleton
Sgt. Michael Collins
Don Beddoe
Mr. Roberts (State Department)
Don Porter
Capt. Christie
Myron Healey
Tech Sergeant - Medic #5 (uncredited)
Leonard Bremen
GI Buddy (uncredited)
Rex Lease
Appleby's Chauffeur (uncredited)
Bud Abbott
Slicker Smith
Jimmie Dodd
GI Buddy (uncredited)
Robert J. Wilke
GI Buddy (uncredited)
Tom Brown
Bill Gregory
Russ Conway
Medic (uncredited)
Joe Kirk
Real Estate Salesman
Donald Kerr
Tie Demo Bystander (uncredited)
Joan Shawlee
Sylvia Hunter
Frank Marlowe
Tie Buyer (uncredited)
Frank Mayo
The Colonel (uncredited)
Eddie Dunn
Mulroney - Garage Man (uncredited)
William Haade
Eustice (Laundry Woman's Husband) (uncredited)
Kenne Duncan
Sergeant on Sidewalk (uncredited)
Charles Trowbridge
Mr. Quince
Ralph Dunn
Ed - Guard on Midget Car (uncredited)
Cliff Clark
Quentin (INS) (uncredited)
William Ching
2nd Lieutenant, Mess Officer (uncredited)
Beverly Simmons
Yvonne 'Evie' LeBrec
Lyle Latell
Sergeant - Medic #1 (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan
Guard on Midget Car (uncredited)
Lee Shumway
Bank Guard #1 (uncredited)
Ralph Brooks
Medic (uncredited)
Ottola Nesmith
French Matron (uncredited)
Donald MacBride
Police captain
Jean Del Val
Duprez - French Consul General (uncredited)
John Sheehan
Drew (INS) (uncredited)
Knox Manning
Milton Kibbee
Street Gawker (uncredited)
Russell Hicks
Mr. Appleby
Jim Farley
Bank Guard #2 (uncredited)
Peter M. Thompson
GI Buddy (uncredited)
Buddy Roosevelt
New York Cop - Driver (uncredited)
George Beban Jr.
GI Buddy (uncredited)
Patricia Alphin
Young Girl (uncredited)
Robert Bacon
Medic (uncredited)
George Barton
Spectator (uncredited)
Eddie Coke
Medic (uncredited)
Janna DeLoos
Woman Taking in Laundry (uncredited)
Dick Dickerson
Rookie Soldier (uncredited)
Jerry Farber
Boy (uncredited)
Doris Kemper
Mrs. Edwards - Matron (uncredited)
Walter Merrill
Tie Buyer (uncredited)
John Michaels
Buck Private (uncredited)
Joe Ploski
Angry Soldier on Boat (uncredited)
Tom Skinner
Medic (uncredited)
Clarence Straight
Medic (uncredited)
Harlan Wade
Sergeant - Medic #6 (uncredited)
Lane Watson
1st Lieutenant (uncredited)
Al Murphy
GI Buddy

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