Drama Comedy Family
When four generations of the Cooper clan come together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration, a series of unexpected visitors and unlikely events turn the night upside down, leading them all toward a surprising rediscovery of family bonds and the spirit of the holiday.
Directed by
Jessie Nelson
Amanda Seyfried
Timothée Chalamet
Charlie Cooper
Marisa Tomei
Emma Newport
Steve Martin
Rags (voice)
Diane Keaton
Charlotte Cooper
Olivia Wilde
Eleanor Cooper
Alan Arkin
Bucky Newport
Anthony Mackie
Officer Percy Williams
Maxwell Simkins
Bo Cooper
John Goodman
Sam Cooper
Molly Gordon
Lauren Hesselberg
Michelle Veintimilla
Jon Tenney
Dr. Morrissey
June Squibb
Aunt Fishy
Alex Borstein
Angie Cooper
Jake Lacy
Joe Bailey
Joe Fishel
Dog Owner
Ed Helms
Hank Cooper
Blake Baumgartner
Madison Cooper
Kristin Slaysman
Effie Newport
Dan Amboyer
Krista Marie Yu
Keenan Jolliff
Quinn McColgan
Young Charlotte (12-14 Yrs)
Sylvia Kauders
Dorothy Silver
Mrs. Pinkins
Roberto Lopez
Michelle Nagy
Larry McKay
Michael R. Wilson
Young Sam
Elisabeth Evans
Young Charlotte
Sean McGee
Young Bucky
Rory Wilson
Young Emma
Richard C. Fishel
Lev Pakman
Schnozzle Whitehead

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