Drama Thriller
Al Shaw's life revolves around motor racing and his back country junkyard, the "Smash Palace". His French wife, Jacqui, doesn't appreciate the lack of attention due to Al's obsession with cars. When Al finds her in the arms of another man, he takes his daughter, Georgie and heads for the bush, desperately hoping to hold on to the only family he has left.
Directed by
Roger Donaldson
Written by
Roger Donaldson, Bruno Lawrence, Peter Hansard
Bruno Lawrence
Al Shaw
Terence Donovan
Traffic Officer
Margaret Umbers
Mickey Cottrell
Greer Robson
Georgie Shaw
Anna Maria Monticelli
Jacqui Shaw
Desmond Kelly
Lynne Robson
Bryan Johnson
2nd Police Officer
Dick Rollo
Uncle Arthur
Mike Beytagh
Armed Offenders' Squad
Brian Chase
Armed Offenders' Squad
Ross Davies
Armed Offenders' Squad
Colin Fredricksen
Armed Offenders' Squad
Thomas King
Armed Offenders' Squad
Chris Pasco
Armed Offenders' Squad
Ewan Somerville
Armed Offenders' Squad
Frank Taylor
Armed Offenders' Squad
Mike Wiggins
Armed Offenders' Squad
Ray Littlewood
Doug McKenzie
Helicopter Pilot
Don Lee
Sean Duffy

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