Romance Comedy
An elevator operator in a swanky apartment building falls in love with a homeless girl who sneaks in one night looking for a place to keep warm. In order to keep her near him, he wangles a job for her as a maid at the building.
Directed by
Louis King
Written by
Harold Buckley, Abem Finkel, Dalton Trumbo
Robert J. Wilke
Tom Brown
Jimmy Whalen
Chuck Hamilton
Officer Leaving Bureau
Joe King
Mr. Ned Murdock
Dorothy Vaughan
Mrs. Matthews
Tetsu Komai
Mary Maguire
Nancy Lee
Arthur Aylesworth
Bud Geary
First Waiter in Suite
James P. Burtis
Police Officer at Bureau
Hugh Herbert
Thomas J. Jesse
Eddy Chandler
Park Policeman
John Harron
Teddy Hart
Myrtle Stedman
Hospital Nurse
Mariska Aldrich
Mrs. Sampson
Eddie Graham
Man with Murdock
Al Herman
Hansom Cab Driver
Shirley Lloyd
Bob Murphy
Policeman at Apartment
George Sorel
Claire White
Lottie Williams
Children's Home Nurse

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