Romance Comedy
Apart from running a mall, Gaurav Rane has to take care of his widower father Janardhan and bail him out of the misadventures he gets into due to the influence of his father's eccentric friend Mr. Mathur. Gaurav soon falls in love with his former classmate Shikha and they find out about Janardhan's long lost love and they decide to reunite the lovers.
Directed by
Written by
Manisha Korde
Rajpal Yadav
Store Clerk (uncredited)
Anuradha Teacher
Om Puri
Madhav Mathur
Akshaye Khanna
Gaurav Rane
Paresh Rawal
Janaradhan Wishvanbhar Rane
Manoj Joshi
Chirag Rane
Archana Puran Singh
Inspector Bhavani Bhagat
Genelia D'Souza
Sheekha Kapoor

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