Drama Mystery Thriller
Joseph McKelheer and Cory Knauf (The Hamiltons, The Violent Kind) star in this intense thriller set in the lingering light of the Alaskan midnight sun. Charlie Shepard, a modern day faith healer with a small flock of believers, is stunned when his family is brutally murdered. Six months later a young, mysterious girl (Courtney Halverson) appears and becomes the link to his family's killing and the murderers themselves, ultimately leading to violent consequences for all.
Directed by
Robert Saitzyk
Written by
Cory Knauf, Joseph McKelheer
Ed Lauter
Courtney Halverson
Sarah Roberts
Joseph McKelheer
Charlie Shepard
Jessie Ward
Rebecca Shepard
Lynn Adrianna
Cory Knauf
Luke Roberts
Hallock Beals
Ben Loosli
James Shepard
Ron Holmstrom
June Eck
Bob Pond
Lorelei's Husband
Frank Loosli
Mr. Sykes
Wendy Young
Diner Waitress
Trygg Ramstad
Davey Iverson
Jacob Moore
Kid In Field

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