Drama Romance
Roland Dane finally retires to the house he was brought up in. Lost in thoughts of his lost love Lark, he does not want to be disturbed in his last days. However, the appearance of his niece and her subsequent romance with Lark's nephew causes him to reevaluate his life and offer some advice so the young couple doesn't make the same mistake he did, all those years ago.
Directed by
Irving Reis
Henry Stephenson
General Fitzgerald
David Niven
Roland Dane
Matthew Boulton
Air Raid Warden
Farley Granger
Pax Masterson
Jayne Meadows
Selina Dane
Teresa Wright
Lark Ingoldsby
Steve Pendleton
RAF Officer
Marjorie Rhodes
Mrs. Sampson
Evelyn Keyes
Grizel Dane
Leo G. Carroll
Gigi Perreau
Lark as a Child
William Johnstone
Narrator (voice)
Melville Cooper
Edmund Breon
Uncle Bunny
Peter Miles
Rollo as a Child
Robin Hughes
Shepperd Strudwick
Marchese Del Laudi
Philip Friend
Pelham Dane
Gerald Oliver Smith
Colin Keith-Johnston
The Eye
Sherlee Collier
Selina as a Child
Warwick Gregson
Pelham as a Child
Dennis McCarthy
Lance Corporal

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