Crime Drama
Art editor Madeleine Damian carries on numerous loveless affairs. After a failed relationship with advertiser Felix Courtland, the increasingly depressed Madeleine attempts suicide. When Jack Garet, her secretary and former lover, tries to blackmail her, Madeleine resigns and seeks a reclusive life. Neighbor David Cousins befriends Madeleine, but soon Courtland and Garet discover her whereabouts and disrupt her new life.
Directed by
Robert Stevenson
Hedy Lamarr
Madeleine Damien
Natalie Schafer
Ethel Royce
James Flavin
Police Sergeant Patella
Kam Tong
Courtland's Houseboy
John Loder
Felix Courtland
Margaret Hamilton
Mrs. Geiger
Robert B. Williams
Police Sergeant Bartlett
William Lundigan
Jack Garet
Jack Richardson
Douglass Dumbrille
District Attorney O'Brien
Paul Cavanagh
Victor Kranish
Dick Gordon
Club Patron
Gino Corrado
Carl, Waiter
Reid Kilpatrick
AP News Broadcaster
Ian Wolfe
Dr. E.G. Lutz
Morris Carnovsky
Dr. Richard Caleb
Archie Twitchell
Freddie Francher
Nicholas Joy
Dennis O'Keefe
Dr. David Cousins
Harry Strang
Police Sergeant
Fred Kohler Jr.
First Motorcycle Cop
Henry Hebert
Attorney's Assistant
Dewey Robinson
Jim, Doorman
Edward Biby
Wilbur Mack
Raoul Freeman
Jack Deery
Club Patron
Paul Power
Club Patron
Robert Haines
Courtroom Spectator
Curt Furburg
Courtroom Spectator
Russell Meeker
Courtroom Spectator

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