Animation Action Adventure Comedy Crime
Master thief Lupin the Third is after the long-lost Gold of Babylon with the aid of his partners, Jigen and Goemon. They trek the globe, unraveling clues and dodging the attentions of both the Mafia and the tenacious Inspector Zenigata. The stakes have never been higher as Zenigata enlists a team of five beautiful and determined policewomen to lure Lupin the Third into handcuffs. But an elderly drunken woman named Rosetta may be the key to solving the location of this fabulous, ancient treasure.
Directed by
Seijun Suzuki, Shigetsugu Yoshida
Rihoko Yoshida
Zakskaya (voice)
Kenichi Ogata
Sam (voice)
Keiko Toda
Saranda (voice)
Gorō Naya
Inspector Koichi Zenigata (voice)
Eiko Masuyama
Fujiko Mine (voice)
Chikao Ohtsuka
Kowalski (voice)
Makio Inoue
Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
Keiko Han
Jinjao (voice)
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Daisuke Jigen (voice)
Yasuo Yamada
Arsène Lupin III (voice)
Toki Shiozawa
Rosetta (voice)
Fumi Hirano
Caramel (voice)
Maki Carrousel
Marciano (voice)
Saeko Shimazu
Lasanga (voice)
Yuji Fujishiro
Tartini (voice)

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