War History Drama
This is the thrilling tale of one of the most famous battles in history. Hour by hour and often minute by minute, Waterloo describes the battle's twists and turns. Based on the written testimonies of actual combatants, Waterloo describes, without romanticising, the experience of battle, the hopes, fears, suffering, and death.
Directed by
Hugues Lanneau
Written by
Hugues Lanneau, Ouri Wesoly, Valérie de Rath
Michel Schillaci
Dorian Salkin
Franky Simon
Maréchal Ney
Alexandre Petit
Jacques Desmoulins
Simon Love
James Clémence
Ron Vandijck
Louis Mertens
David Bayenet
Marcel Lanquais
Louis Chaussée
Pierre Lantelme

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