Action Animation Family
Gotham City is under siege by a series of bizarre crimes and only the world's greatest detective, Batman, can unravel the mystery! The trail leads to none other than the Penguin and his Animilitia, an animal-inspired squad of villains including Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and the monstrous Man-Bat.
Directed by
Butch Lukic
Written by
Heath Corson
Charlie Schlatter
The Flash (voice)
John DiMaggio
Killer Croc (voice)
Laura Bailey
Cheetah / Newscaster (voice)
Will Friedle
Nightwing (voice)
Richard Epcar
Commissioner Gordon (voice)
Yuri Lowenthal
Red Robin (voice)
Amanda Troop
Gladys Windsmere / Pretty Girl (voice)
Phil LaMarr
Man-Bat (voice)
Keith Ferguson
Gruff Cop / Distinguished Man (voice)
Keith Szarabajka
Silverback (voice)
Chris Diamantopoulos
Green Arrow (voice)
Dana Snyder
The Penguin (voice)
Roger Craig Smith
Batman (voice)
Mo Collins
Dispatch / Distinguished Woman (voice)
Alastair Duncan
Alfred Pennyworth (voice)
Matthew Mercer
Mech Guard 1 / Wealthy Jock (voice)
Eric Bauza
Punk #1 / Rookie Cop (voice)

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