Drama Thriller
Robbie Levinson and Trey McCoy suddenly encounter intolerance and hostility at the hands of their new neighbor, Chris Boyd, the son of a fundamentalist preacher.
Directed by
Tommy Stovall
Written by
Tommy Stovall
Giancarlo Esposito
Detective Esposito
Lin Shaye
Kathleen Slansky
Bruce Davison
Pastor Boyd
Chad Donella
Chris Boyd
Susan Blakely
Martha Boyd
Seth Peterson
Robbie Levinson
Sean Hennigan
Jim McCoy
Brian J. Smith
Trey McCoy
Cindy Pickett
Barbara McCoy
Scarlett McAlister
Doctor Kucera
Farah White
Det. Elizabeth Fisher
Brandy Little
Ben Bathman
Connor Davis
Luke King
Alton Kachim
Earl Browning III
Detective Loy
Connor Gewin
4-year-old Trey
Tyler Farris
10-year-old Trey
Trevor Sterling Stovall
Fisher's Son
Jason Hair-Wynn
Boy in Jail (uncredited)
Preston Strother
Boy in Church (uncredited)
Tyler Strother
Boy in Church (uncredited)
Cyrus Thompson
Boy in the Park (uncredited)

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