Comedy Romance
Struggling stockbroker Jimmie Shannon learns that, if he gets married by 7 p.m. on his 27th birthday -- which is today -- he'll inherit $7 million from an eccentric relative.
Directed by
Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton
James 'Jimmie' Shannon
Rosalind Byrne
Hatcheck Girl (uncredited)
Louise Carver
Prospective Bride Who Operates Crane (uncredited)
Jean Arthur
Miss Smith the Country Club Receptionist (uncredited)
Julian Rivero
Barber (uncredited)
Snitz Edwards
Judy King
3rd Chance: Shredder of 'Will You Marry Me' Note (uncredited)
Ruth Dwyer
Mary Jones
Jules Cowles
The Hired Hand
Erwin Connelly
The Clergyman
Eugenia Gilbert
1st Chance: Girl in Big Hat Who Laughs at James' Proposal (uncredited)
Rosa Gore
Prospective Bride at Church (uncredited)
Constance Talmadge
Girl in Car (uncredited)
Frances Raymond
Mrs. Jones
Kate Price
Prospective Bride at Church (uncredited)
S.D. Wilcox
Policeman (uncredited)
T. Roy Barnes
Billy Meekin
Doris Deane
2nd Chance: Girl Proposed to on Golf Course (uncredited)
Lori Bara
Mother of Underage Girl (uncredited)
Bartine Burkett
5th Chance: Country Club Girl (uncredited)
Hazel Deane
4th Chance: The Refuser (uncredited)

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