Comedy Drama
As a parting shot, fired reporter Ann Mitchell prints a fake letter from unemployed "John Doe," who threatens suicide in protest of social ills. The paper is forced to rehire Ann and hires John Willoughby to impersonate "Doe." Ann and her bosses cynically milk the story for all it's worth, until the made-up "John Doe" philosophy starts a whole political movement.
Directed by
Frank Capra
Regis Toomey
Bert Hansen
Gary Cooper
Long John Willoughby
Gene Lockhart
Mayor Lovett
Walter Brennan
The Colonel
Spring Byington
Mme Mitchell
Edward Arnold
D.B. Norton
Selmer Jackson
Radio Announcer at Convention (uncredited)
John Hamilton
Jim (uncredited)
Barbara Stanwyck
Ann Mitchell
Bess Flowers
Mattie (uncredited)
Vaughan Glaser
Warren Hymer
Eddie Kane
Wall Street Tycoon (uncredited)
James Gleason
Henry Connell
Sterling Holloway
Jack Mower
Guard (uncredited)
Stanley Andrews
William Forrest
Governor's Associate (uncredited)
Ann Doran
Mrs. Hansen (uncredited)
Forbes Murray
Legislator (uncredited)
Tina Thayer
Ann's Sister (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum
Benny Bartlett
Red (uncredited)
Irving Bacon
Harry Davenport
Former Bulletin Owner (uncredited)
Paul Panzer
Mitchell Lewis
Frank Moran
Edward Earle
Radio Master of Ceremonies (uncredited)
Russell Simpson
Bert Stevens
Radio Station Audience Member (uncredited)
Andrew Tombes
Pierre Watkin
J. Farrell MacDonald
Pat Flaherty
Mike (uncredited)
Charles Trowbridge
Knox Manning
Radio Announcer
James Millican
Photographer (uncredited)
Hank Mann
Eddie (uncredited)
Harry Holman
Mayor Hawkins
Rod La Rocque
Ted Sheldon
Henry Roquemore
Chamber of Commerce Member (uncredited)
Charles C. Wilson
Charlie Dawson
John B. Hughes
Radio Announcer
Bert Moorhouse
Man at Stadium Rally (uncredited)
Jack Wise
Delegate (uncredited)
Richard Kipling
Police Commissioner (uncredited)

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