Drama Comedy
Father O'Malley is sent to St. Mary's, a run-down parochial school on the verge of condemnation. He and Sister Benedict work together in an attempt to save the school, though their differing methods often lead to good-natured disagreements.
Directed by
Leo McCarey
Ingrid Bergman
Sister Mary Benedict
Martha Sleeper
Mary Gallagher
Bing Crosby
Father Chuck O'Malley
Rhys Williams
Dr. McKay
Henry Travers
Horace P. Bogardus
Minerva Urecal
Landlady (uncredited)
Una O'Connor
Mrs. Breen
William Gargan
Joe Gallagher
Ruth Donnelly
Sister Michael
John Smith
Choir Member (uncredited)
Matt McHugh
Sporting Goods Salesman (uncredited)
Joan Carroll
Patsy Gallagher
Edna May Wonacott
Delphine Ford (uncredited)
Pietro Sosso
Blind Man (uncredited)
Dewey Robinson
Pedestrian Pulling Bogardus from Under Truck (uncredited)
Eva Novak
Nun (uncredited)
Richard Tyler
Eddie Breen
Edward Coch Jr.
Baby Jesus (uncredited)
Aina Constant
Nun (uncredited)
Jimmy Crane
Luther (uncredited)
Gwen Crawford
Nun (uncredited)
Bobby Dolan Jr.
Bobby (uncredited)
Jimmie Dundee
Cabbie (uncredited)
Bobby Frasco
Tommy Smith (uncredited)
Peggy McKim
Schoolgirl (uncredited)
Betty Jean Nichols
Schoolgirl (uncredited)
Georgie Nokes
Boy (uncredited)
Joe Palma
Workman (uncredited)
Cora Shannon
Elderly Woman (uncredited)

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