Drama Crime
Elli and Marco are an unquestionably unusual wedded couple. Due to a damage as a kid, Marco harbors homosexual drives that he represses inside his married life and Elli is a barely surpressed nymphomaniac. The marriage is useful for both of them as it allows them to blend in within the confines of their regular social life in a sanctimonious provincial town. But then a strange woman bursts into their world and Marco's deviant behavior come to light again but now he has a thirst for murder.
Directed by
Giulio Petroni
Antonio Casale
Jeremy Kemp
George Stevens
Armando Brancia
Silvano Tranquilli
David Levi
Hélène Chanel
Madre di Elli
Corrado Pani
Marco Alessi
Lisa Gastoni
Elli Alessi
Alessandra Vazzoler
Giulio Baraghini
Sergio Testori
Gino Santercole
Daniela Halbritter
Margareta Veroni
Bruno Ariè
Giancarlo Marinangeli
Franco Caracciolo

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