Comedy Romance
Taylor is a man who has no problems with women. So confident is he that he accepts a challenge from his friends: he has to secure proposals of marriage from three women of their choice.
Directed by
Will Mackenzie
Written by
Sara Parriott, Josann McGibbon
Mark Harmon
Taylor Worth
Madeleine Stowe
Veronica Briskow
Joan Severance
Lesley Ann Warren
Eleanor Larimore
Alan Blumenfeld
Howard Larimore
Andrea Martin
Claire Braudy
Tony Longo
Tarry Childs
Emily Kuroda
Cory Chu
Devin Ratray
Howard Larimore Jr.
Meg Wyllie
Mark Blum
Ned Braudy
Maria Holvoe
Erin Cooper
David Brenner
Celebrity Auctioneer
Jon Korkes

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