Comedy Action Adventure Romance
The wealthy and impulsive Rollo Treadway decides to propose to his beautiful socialite neighbor, Betsy O'Brien. Although Betsy turns Rollo down, he still opts to go on the cruise that he intended as their honeymoon. When circumstances find both Rollo and Betsy on the wrong ship, they end up having adventures on the high seas.
Directed by
Buster Keaton, Donald Crisp
Written by
Jean C. Havez, Clyde Bruckman, Joseph A. Mitchell
Buster Keaton
Rollo Treadway
Donald Crisp
Noble Johnson
Cannibal Chief (uncredited)
Kathryn McGuire
Betsy O'Brien
Clarence Burton
Spy (uncredited)
Frederick Vroom
John O'Brien
H.N. Clugston
Spy (uncredited)

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