Comedy Thriller Drama
Tired of being used and abused by the opposite sex, three girlfriends decide to turn the tables on the guys who cross them by teaching them a sex-ed lesson they'll never forget! But their little scheme backfires when their secret gets out, and when one of the school's jocks goes too far, he sets into motion a chain of events that could change all their lives forever.
Directed by
Kat Slater
Written by
Kat Slater, Kenny Golde
Busy Philipps
Karen Carter
Oliver Hudson
Nick Loeb
Thora Birch
Lincoln Roth
Dominique Swain
Jefferson Roth
Keri Lynn Pratt
Lisa Stockwell
Joel West
Reneé Domenz
Ms. Miller
Charlotte Newhouse
Frosty Posse Follower
Brent David Fraser
Mary Jo Faraci
Mrs. Carter
Ryan Browning
Tell Draper
Todd Manning
Ryan Sasson
Oniel Tutein
Christopher's Boyfriend
Paul Aber
Mr. Carter
Tim Gamble
Bill Lacie
Jennifer Alden
Frost Posse Queen

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