Comedy Romance
A New York inventor, Tom Jeffers, needs cash to develop his big idea, so his adoring wife, Gerry (Geraldine), decides to raise it by divorcing him and marrying an eccentric Florida millionaire, J. D. Hackensacker III.
Directed by
Preston Sturges
Arthur Hoyt
Pullman Conductor
Claudette Colbert
Geraldine 'Gerry' Jeffers
Byron Foulger
Jewelry Salesman (uncredited)
Joel McCrea
Tom Jeffers
Bess Flowers
Gerry's Maid of Honor/Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
William Demarest
First Member Ale and Quail Club
Mary Astor
The Princess Centimillia
Frank Faylen
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Robert Warwick
Mr. Hinch
Al Bridge
Sig Arno
Rudy Vallee
John D. Hackensacker III
Frank Moran
Chester Conklin
Sixth Member Ale and Quail Club
Roscoe Ates
Fourth Member Ale and Quail Club
J. Farrell MacDonald
Officer O'Donnell (uncredited)
Victor Potel
Mr. McKeewie
Esther Howard
Wife of Wienie King
Franklin Pangborn
Jimmy Conlin
Mr. Asweld
Fred 'Snowflake' Toones
Colored Bartender
Charles R. Moore
Colored Porter
Edward McNamara
Officer in Penn Station (uncredited)
Torben Meyer
Dr. Kluck
Robert Dudley
Wienie King
Dewey Robinson
Fifth Member Ale and Quail Club
Jack Norton
Second Member Ale and Quail Club
Arthur Stuart Hull
Mr. Osmond
Marcelle Corday
Elderly Maid (uncredited)
Robert Greig
Third Member Ale and Quail Club
Sheldon Jett
Seventh Member Ale and Quail Club
Harry Rosenthal
Orchestra Leader
Bert Moorhouse
Diner on Train (uncredited)
Max Wagner
Tom's Best Man (uncredited)
Joe Gilbert
Store Employee (uncredited)

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