Comedy Drama
A small boy squashing an insect sets in motion a series of events, large and small, that include a lost restaurant reservation, a drunken fender-bender, disruption of basic cable television service, and more than one relationship falling apart. One person's disaster becomes another's boon, and vice versa--because a man loses his job, a young girl becomes the lead ballerina in the school play, which in turn causes the death of a pet pig. These characters weave around Los Angeles and each other as seemingly mundane events fall into place, putting them on a collision course with a common fate and one heroic act of competence.
Directed by
Matt Manfredi, Phil Hay
Written by
Matt Manfredi
Sarah Paulson
Brian Cox
Jamie Kennedy
Ed Begley Jr.
The Dept. of Health Inspector / 'The Hand'
John Carroll Lynch
Wallace Gregory
Alexis Cruz
Christina Kirk
Arabella Field
Annelle Johnston
Stoney Westmoreland
Kevin's Father

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