Fantasy Comedy
A "devilish" tale about an ordinary guy who is visited by a beautiful apparition promising him popularity and drop-dead good looks in exchange for his soul. Transformed overnight into a "hunk," he soon discovers there may be hell to pay for his new lifestyle!
Directed by
Lawrence Bassoff
Written by
Lawrence Bassoff
Brad Pitt
Boy at the Beach (uncredited)
Deborah Shelton
James Coco
Dr. D
Robert Morse
Garrison Gaylord
Hilary Shepard
Alexis Cash
Page Moseley
Coaster Royce
Melanie Vincz
Laurel Springs
Charles Dougherty
John Allen Nelson
Hunk Golden
Steve Levitt
Bradley Brinkman
Avery Schreiber
Constantine Constapopolis
Rebeccah Bush
Cynthia Szigeti
Doug Shanklin
Skeet Mecklenburger
J. Jay Saunders
John Barrett
Jacqueline Jacobs
Dragon Lady
Alan Marcus

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