Drama Romance
Father Michael McKinnon goes from the UK to Boston circa 1935. For unknown reasons, he avoids at all costs the most prominent parishioners, Arthur and Eleanor Barret. Meanwhile Eleanor and Arthur desperately want to have a child, but Arthur is sterile, so they hire Harvard law student Roger Martin to impregnate Eleanor, but unfortunately Roger falls in love with her.
Directed by
Lesli Linka Glatter
Written by
Rick Ramage
Madeleine Stowe
Eleanor Barret
Kenneth Branagh
Father Michael McKinnon
Neil Patrick Harris
Roger Martin
William Hurt
Arthur Barret
Blythe Danner
Syril Danning
Robert Loggia
Hannibal Thurman
Dee Nelson
Susan Vicar
Thomas Downey
Torrey Harrington
Ken Cheeseman
Wayne Fenton
Wendy Feign
Bronia Wheeler
Sister Mary Frances
Bryan Scott
(ADR loop group)

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