Drama Romance Comedy
Mitali was a worried mother. This time, once again, her 5 year old son Gogol had failed to pass the admission test in a reputed school. Mitali was determined to get her son admitted into a reputed school. Gogol loved the song of birds, the flight of the kites, the rustling of the leaves, the wide expanse of the blue sky.
Directed by
Nandita Roy, Shiboprosad Mukherjee
Written by
Shiboprosad Mukherjee, Nandita Roy, Suchitra Bhattacharya
Kharaj Mukherjee
Akash Singhania
Rachana Banerjee
Madam Malabika Banerjee
Rajat Ganguly
Chitra Sen
Suzanne Bernert
Gargee RoyChowdhury
Mitali Dutta
Tamal Ray Chowdhury
Akashneel Mitra
Rumki Chatterjee

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