Crime Mystery Thriller Comedy
Nick and Frank Starkey were both policemen. A scandal forced Nick to leave the force, now a serial killer has driven the police to take him back. A web that includes Frank's wife, bribery, and corruption all are in the background as Nick tries to uncover the secret of where the killer will strike next, and finally must lay a trap without the police.
Directed by
Pat O'Connor
Written by
John Patrick Shanley
Susan Sarandon
Christine Starkey
Alan Rickman
Harvey Keitel
Police Commissioner Frank Starkey
Faye Grant
Alison Hawkins
Kevin Kline
Nick Starkey
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Bernadette Flynn
Bill Cobbs
Detective Reilly
Bill Cwikowski
Press Representative
Kenneth Welsh
Roger Culver
Rod Steiger
Mayor Eamon Flynn
Danny Aiello
Captain Vincent Alcoa
Bruce MacVittie
Tandy Cronyn
Lana Pico
Brian Tarantina
Katherine E. Miller
Jayne Haynes
Greg Walker
January Man

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